Terms and Policy

This agreement is executed between SMS Aggregator (Reseller entity offering services to its clients) and end client user who has registered herewith on this SMS portal and made all relevant legal compliance and willing to use services on this platform hereby agrees to following terms of services:

  • This platform is an intermediary aggregation of various services required by end user clients using secure http authentication and api protocols.
  • SMS aggregator platform-based delivery is subjected all rules and regulations laid down by Telecom regulatory authority and as applied by telecom operators. Any compliance failure leading to non-delivery of messages remains at sole discretion of user.
  • Recent regulatory changes in SMS messaging service in India involves stringent multi-layered human oriented approach applicable as Distributed Ledger Technology regulation (DLT regulation) 2020. Every entity willing to send messages via web based platforms are expected to comply with principal entity registration, header registration and message(s) template registration and share details of same to service provider before start of related service usage. Any delay in such approvals from respective operator end is at sole responsibility of registering user itself.
  • SMS services in India are provided in promotional, transactional and OTP messaging service formats. Promotional messages are delivered from 9am to 9pm IST. Messages submitted prior or post to this time are automatically queued for delivery to immediate upcoming delivery time cycle. Transactional and service messaging is available 24x7. Every registering user is expected to revert with desired service type.
  • Every registering user is expected to buy sms credits in prepaid mode before start of service and usage is deducted on submission basis. Messages once submitted are neither refundable nor cancellable. In event if promotional users are submitting messages to NCPR registered users having DND category, refunds are issued on midnight and can be used on next day.
  • Please ensure that you check message submission type – text/ Unicode before sending message as use of Unicode text (copied from popular applications like MS Word/ Excel) might result in more credits consumption as compared to text messages.
  • Service core dependency includes web hosting environment, internet connectivity, Mobile operator end service availability and various alike technical aspects. Entire system and services are monitored with due switching and backups being created and followed from time to time. However, any core dependency failure beyond immediate recovery and switching nature might impact services. Team ensures due notification and communication of this aspect to every client.