Developer API

SMS API With Return MessageId



Field Description Required
user Your username on the website
password Your Password on the website
sender Alphanumeric/Number SenderID from your approved list of SenderID's to be used for GSM Recipients
phonenumber Mobile number of the recipients. for multiple recipients enter numbers seperated by comma.
text The text of the message. Charged 1 unit for 160 characters per recipient.
dlttemplateid Template Id received from DLT Registrar
flash 1 - If the message should flash directly on the screen
0 - For standard SMS (Optional)
Please check if the gateway supports Flash SMS.
unicode 1 - if the message has unicode characters. 70 Unicode characters make 1 sms.
0 - For standard SMS (Optional)
Please check if the gateway supports unicode SMS.
track 1 - if you wish to Track the delivery status of the message. (Optional)
Please check if the gateway supports Delivery Reports
A sample HTTP API Call for Single/Multiple Recipient would be: &sender=Internet&text=This+is+a+sample+sms&PhoneNumber=919822012345&track=1&dlttemplateid=1007160250584970236 &sender=Internet&text=This+is+a+sample+sms&PhoneNumber=919822012345&track=1&dlttemplateid=1007160250584970236

Message Submitted
Credits Consumed: 1
Balance Credits: 98
Mobile=919822012345 MsgId=1177855328

Note: Maximum of 1000 numbers are recommended in a single post.

Schedule SMS API With Return MessageId



Field Description Required
user Your username on the website
password Your Password on the website
sender Alphanumeric/Number SenderID from your approved list of SenderID's to be used for GSM Recipients
phonenumber Mobile number of the recipients. for multiple recipients enter numbers seperated by comma.
text The text of the message. Charged 1 unit for 160 characters per recipient.
dlttemplateid DLT Template Id received from service provider
flash 1 - If the message should flash directly on the screen
0 - For standard SMS (Optional)
Please check if the gateway supports Flash SMS.
unicode 1 - if the message has unicode characters. 70 Unicode characters make 1 sms.
0 - For standard SMS (Optional)
Please check if the gateway supports unicode SMS.
day The day of the scheduled delivery of the message.
month The month of the scheduled delivery of the message.
year The year of the scheduled delivery of the message.
hour The hour format [in 24 hours] for the delivery time of the message.
minute The minute of the delivery time of the message.
track 1 - if you wish to Track the delivery status of the message. (Optional)
Please check if the gateway supports Delivery Reports
A sample HTTP API Call for Scheduling Messages text=Wish+you+happy+new+year!&PhoneNumber=919822012345&day=01&month=01&year=2012&hour=00&minute=01&dlttemplateid=1007160250584970236

Message Scheduled
Credits Consumed: 1
Balance Credits: 9989

Note: Maximum of 1000 numbers are recommended in a single post.

Get SMS Balance API



Field Description Required
user Your username on the website
password Your Password on the website
A sample HTTP API Call for SMS Balance:

Balance Credits: 98

SMS Delivery Status API



Field Description Required
messageid MessageId, this is the messageid you received at the time of send message api.
A sample HTTP API Call for SMS Status:

messageid: status
3293930029192: DELIVRD